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Social and behavior change communication

SPRING Shares Work in Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture at INGENAES Global Symposium

At the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) Global Symposium in Lusaka, Zambia, SPRING project officer Sarah Hogan and agriculture advisor Victor Pinga shared SPRING’s work on monitoring nutrition-sensitive agriculture and training on nutrition-sensitive agriculture for frontline workers in Odisha, India.

Promoting Hygiene and Hand-Washing through Community Hygiene Monitoring Units

SPRING/Senegal recognizes the importance of hygiene in households, schools, and health centers as a key element of its multi-sectoral approach to improving the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two. SPRING aims to increase awareness of good hygiene practices and influence the behavior of community members in its intervention areas.

"Strengthening Linkages Between Agriculture and Nutrition" Event in the Kyrgyz Republic

SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic hosted an event on Friday, February 10, 2017, entitled “Strengthening Linkages between Agriculture and Nutrition.” SPRING presented on nutrition-sensitive agriculture, an approach wherein agriculture initiatives and projects both target and yield nutritional outcomes in addition to traditional agriculture results.

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SPRING Publishes New Food Storage Guide at Agriculture and Nutrition Event

SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic, funded by USAID to address issues of chronic malnutrition and anemia among women and children of Kyrgyz Republic, hosted an event on Friday, February 10, 2017 entitled “Strengthening Linkages between Agriculture and Nutrition.” The event was attended by representatives of international and national organizations working in the areas of agriculture and nutrition, including the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO, UNICEF, the Civil Alliance for Nutrition, and many others.

USAID Deputy Mission Director Visits SPRING Program in Kok-Jangak Rayon of Kyrgyz Republic

Nathan Park, Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Kyrgyz Republic, visited SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic on February 8, 2017 in Kok-Jangak rayon, Jalalabad oblast. Mr. Park was visiting USAID programs in the southern region, including a visit to SPRING activity sites in the area. Mr. Park observed a training of community volunteers and joined a household visit to promote appropriate complementary feeding with a family of a young child.

Using Radio to Reach Caregivers More Frequently with Tips on Nurturing and Feeding Young Children

A health worker explains the growth curve of the child to a mother during an outreach service visit.
A health worker explains the growth curve of the child to a mother during an outreach service visit.

In support of Ghana Health Service’s and SPRING’s major commitment to expand training and community support for improved infant and young child care and feeding across northern Ghana, SPRING adapted parts o