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Social and behavior change communication

Community Video About the Benefits of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Shot in Kaffrine, Senegal

On January 26, 2017, members of a local community video production team shot a short video about the benefits of orange-fleshed sweet potato. The video was shot in the department of Koungheul within the Kaffrine region and starred actors who are respected members of the community. The production team was comprised of local SPRING/Senegal partners including local radio station Radio Bambouck 92.1FM.

SPRING/Senegal Raises Awareness of Gender Issues

On January 18, 2017, SPRING/Senegal facilitated a one-day workshop on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Kaolack Region. Attendees included representatives of some of the partner organizations that SPRING works with in cereal value chains and vegetable and tree crop production. Several participants attended the workshop with their spouses. The workshop focused on how reducing women’s workload can positively impact family nutrition.

SPRING Promotes Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment during Producer Organization Training Series

On January 18, 2017, SPRING/Senegal facilitated a one-day workshop on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region of Kaolack. The workshop was organized as part of SPRING’s strategy to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two. Women in Senegal often play several key roles in the household: they are responsible for cultivating vegetables and other crops, preparing food at home, keeping the household tidy, and caring for their children.

Improving Nutrition through Social Media in the Kyrgyz Republic

As part of a strategy to effectively reach and support busy urban communities, the SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic project has launched a Facebook page, with plans to reach people in-country through other platforms. This page will be used as a platform to learn more about the SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic program and activities as well as a space to encourage better nutrition practices among the Kyrgyz people.

Sierra Leone Learning Event Shares Local Nutrition Findings among Partners

On November 7, 2016, SPRING/Sierra Leone and Helen Keller International (HKI) hosted a learning event in Lumley Beach, Sierra Leone, to share findings from three assessments conducted in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone. The three assessments were a barrier analysis and an adapted value chain analysis on fish and pumpkin consumption, and an assessment of a trials of improved practice (TIPs) study on infant feeding behavior and critical hygiene actions in the first 1,000 days.

Barriers and Enablers to the Consumption of Pumpkin and Fish in Tonkolili, Sierra Leone

What Were We Looking For?

  • SPRING/Sierra Leone conducted four barrier analysis surveys in 15 communities, across three chiefdoms in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, to identify “behavioral determinants” (factors that motivate or discourage) that affect the consumption of pumpkin and fish by pregnant women and children 6-23 months old.
  • The analyses were intended to inform social and behavior change communication (SBCC) efforts to promote dietary diversity.
  • To identify differences between doers

Developing Effective Messages for Better Nutrition and Hygiene in Tonkolili: The TIPs Method

What is TIPs?

SPRING/Sierra Leone recently used Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs)—a qualitative research methodology—to select improved WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) and nutrition behaviors in consultation with household members.

The TIPs approach allows researchers to pretest behaviors at the household-level before they are widely promoted. By focusing on behavior (what people do), rather than on knowledge (what people know or believe), TIPs provides an in-depth understanding of—