How Do Social Protection Programs Address Nutrition Behavior Change? A Look at Interventions and Delivery Channels in World Bank Programming
SecureNutrition Platform, February 2016
SecureNutrition Platform, February 2016
SPRING is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), with the goals of reducing undernutrition, preventing stunting, and reducing anemia in women and children. To achieve this, SPRING/Uganda provides technical support to the government of Uganda to deliver high-impact nutrition interventions primarily targeting women of childbearing age and children under two years of age.
Prior to the recent Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak, Sierra Leone faced nutritional challenges, with 76 percent of its children anemic and 29 percent stunted (SLMN 2013; SMART Survey 2014).
SPRING recently conducted a nutrition assessment in Guinea to contribute to post Ebola virus disease (EVD) response efforts. Before the Ebola outbreak, Guinea faced chronically high levels of undernutrition and food insecurity. About 26 percent of children 0-59 months are chronically malnourished in Guinea, and about one-third of the population is food insecure.
In response to the Guinea Ebola outbreak, SPRING conducted a nutrition assessment to provide insights into nutrition status.
SPRING’s formative research to understand factors affecting household-level food purchase and production decisions in Guatemala’s Western Highlands provides insight into how agricultural investments in Guatemala can improve nutrition. To stress the agriculture and nutrition connection, we have introduced conceptual pathways providing a summary of the current state of knowledge for leveraging agriculture to improve nutrition.
Community Video for Nutrition Guide Highlights Experience Using an Innovative Community-led Video Approach from Digital Green and the SPRING Project
SPRING Project, October 2015
In Uganda, we worked with the Ugandan government, UN agencies, and USAID implementing partners to develop the National Advocacy and Communication Strategy in support of the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan, under the auspices of the UNAP Secretariat in the Office of the Prime Minister. Because this is a national strategy, different partners have taken responsibility for implementing different parts of the strategy based on their relative capacities.