Measuring and Monitoring Gender Behavior Change in Agriculture Programs
CARE, TOPS, and USAID, April 2015
CARE, TOPS, and USAID, April 2015
Agriculture Nutrition Community of Practice, April 2015
Recognizing the need for concerted action to increase nutrition impacts through at-scale social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs, SPRING partnered with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to convene a gathering of global SBCC thought leaders from across public and private sectors to develop a strategic research and implementation agenda and action plan for accelerated nutrition gains through better SBCC programs.
SPRING conducted formative research in August 2014 to explore factors that affect household-level food purchase and production decisions in the Feed the Future zone of influence (ZOI) of the USAID Guatemala’s Western Highlands Integrated Program (WHIP).
Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) is a crucial element of any nutrition intervention. There have been many successful nutrition behavior change projects around the world, but most are not implemented at large scale, and sustainability or cost-effectiveness of the interventions are not known. Throughout 2014, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and SPRING reviewed the evidence and consulted global thought leaders to identify priorities for nutrition behavior change. Working at scale to maximize nutrition impact emerged as an urgent priority.
This report presents a strategic agenda for nutrition Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) to streamline priorities and investments by nutrition stakeholders in order to maximize the contribution of SBCC in reaching global nutrition targets.
Mumbai’s suburban railroads serve over 7 million daily commuters; with 2,000 train lines spread over 465,000 km. Besides serving as rail service infrastructure, the railroad tracks are often the shortest pedestrian route between common destinations. With few effective physical barriers and over 1,000 trespassing points, the rail service experiences over 36,000 fatalities per year. Final Mile was engaged to design solutions to reduce fatalities.
In Nepal, four in 10 children are stunted; one in three women and five in 10 children are anemic, and one in 10 children is wasted. Suaahara (“Good Nutrition”) is implementing a multisectoral, multiplatform approach to reducing these problems by promoting better practices at the community and household level.
Prospera, formerly known as Progresa or Oportunidades, is a national conditional cash transfer program. EsIAN is a pilot program within Prospera that aims to strengthen Prospera’s health and nutrition component by addressing the nutritional transition in Mexico and improving the health and nutrition of beneficiaries, with a focus on the first 1,000 days.
Development Media International (DMI) implemented a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Burkina Faso to measure the impact of mass media on child mortality.