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SPRING Delivers Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training to Farmers in Mopti

SPRING is reaching over 5,500 local farmers in the Mopti region of Mali with nutrition-sensitive agriculture education through Farmer Nutrition School (FNS) trainings. The trainings use the experiential, plot-based training methodology applied in farmer field schools (FFS) to encourage gardening of nutrient-rich horticulture. The trainings also include social behavior change communication (SBCC) to promote the uptake of nutrition-specific behaviors taken from the essential nutrition and hygiene actions (ENA/EHA) curriculum and nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices.

Bringing Better Nutrition to Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Nigeria

SPRING/Nigeria collaborated with Nigeria’s Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA), and the USAID-funded STEER project to roll out the community infant and young child feeding (C-IYCF) training package. This set of training guides, counseling materials, and take-home brochures helps families and caregivers adopt and sustain high-impact nutrition practices.