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Water, sanitation, and hygiene

SPRING/Ghana Presents WASH 1,000 at the 39th Annual Water Engineering and Development Centre Conference

In July, the annual Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) conference, “Ensuring Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All,” was held in Kumasi, Ghana. SPRING/Ghana took advantage of this in country opportunity to host a side table event to present on its nutrition sensitive WASH activities in the Northern and Upper East Regions. SPRING/Ghana WASH Advisor, David Nunoo, and SPRING/DC WASH Technical Advisor Steve Sara presented on the WASH 1,000 approach.

Concept Testing Tailors Community Videos to Local Context in Two Regions in Niger

In June 2016, SPRING and Digital Green conducted community video concept testing in two regions in Niger. Facilitators used image cards to collect feedback on scenarios for nutrition and hygiene-focused videos from a total of 14 women and 12 men in Droum Kafé and El Kolta villages. The facilitators solicited feedback that reflected the participants’ understanding of the promoted behaviors, their perception of feasibility in their communities, and their suggestions for adjustments to the story lines. 

Concept Testing Tailors Community Videos to Local Context in Two Regions in Niger

women with children sitting outside

In June 2016, SPRING and Digital Green began conducting concept testing in two regions in Niger in preparation for developing a series of community videos. Concept testing is a means of involving audiences in production and ensuring videos are adapted to the local context. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of community uptake of the promoted behaviors.

SPRING/Bangladesh Presents at the Policies against Hunger XII Conference

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invited SPRING/Bangladesh to present on Farmer Nutrition Schools and its experience towards improved household nutrition at the Policies against Hunger XII conference. Hosted by BMEL, the conference took place from June 22-24, 2016, and brought together 350 high-level participants from across the globe to address key aspects of food security and nutrition.

SPRING/Mali In Review

SPRING’s work in Mali aimed to improve the nutritional status of vulnerable women and children. The project promoted the growth and consumption of nutritious and diverse diets through community gardens convened by Farmer Field Schools, which combined training in nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices and the promotion of nutrition-specific behaviors. SPRING trained 5,500 famers and distributed 11,000 moringa, baobob, and papaya saplings.