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Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Using Trials of Improved Practices to Shift Nutrition and Hygiene Behaviours in Sierra Leone

Pietropaoli, Jennifer, Philip Moses, and Heather Forrester. "Using Trials of Improved Practices to Shift Nutrition and Hygiene Behaviours in Sierra Leone." Field Exchange, no. 54 (February 2017): 33-34. March 2017. Accessed August 21, 2017.

SPRING/Sierra Leone conducted trials of improved practices (TIPs) with 24 households in Tonkolili District to test nutrition-sensitive WASH behaviours and selected complementary feeding behaviours for children aged 6-23 months.

Promoting Hygiene and Hand-Washing through Community Hygiene Monitoring Units

SPRING/Senegal recognizes the importance of hygiene in households, schools, and health centers as a key element of its multi-sectoral approach to improving the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two. SPRING aims to increase awareness of good hygiene practices and influence the behavior of community members in its intervention areas.

Radio Spots Promoting Hygiene in Senegal

During a community day in the village of Thiokomaty, Senegal, SPRING/Senegal and staff from local partner organization UPCL taught hygiene and handwashing at the local primary school. The local community radio station recorded the event and produced a 10-20 minute program and three short news items (below) that repeated the key handwashing behavior messages from the event to reach a wider audience.