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SPRING/Guinea Staff at a Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training

In April 2017, SPRING tested and modified a nutrition-sensitive agriculture training curriculum in Kindia, Guinea, with staff from Feed the Future’s Strengthening Market-Led Agricultural Research, Technology and Education (SMARTE) for the Apprentisage en Vulgarisation, Entrepreneuriat et l’Innovation Rurale (AVENIR) program. This nutrition-sensitive agriculture training module will be integrated into a four-week training curriculum that Winrock International is developing for SMARTE’s AVENIR program, which trains local “agro-preneurs” how to use agricultural technologies.

Opportunities for Integrating Nutrition into Agricultural Information Systems in Northern Ghana

An increasing number of agricultural projects and activities are working to meet nutrition-related objectives. Through an in-country review of key actors, mechanisms, and content areas, along with a review of relevant literature, SPRING documented information systems used in Northern Ghana to adopt and scale up new agricultural technologies and production practices. This paper provides an overview of the extension and advisory services and ICT used by the agriculture sector in northern Ghana and identifies opportunities to integrate nutrition programming into these systems.

Engaging Government Agriculture Staff to Promote Nutrition at the Community Level

The Importance of Engaging Frontline Agriculture Workers

High-impact nutrition practices cannot be adopted and sustained by a given population simply by increasing knowledge or awareness. Many complex and contextual factors influence everyday decisions to consider, try, adopt and/or reject, and ultimately internalize and sustain a given behavior.