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Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition

Kadiyala S, Morgan EH, Cyriac S, Margolies A, Roopnaraine T (2016) Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition: A Case Study of a Participatory, Video-Based Agricultural Extension Platform in India. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164002

Successful integration of nutrition interventions into large-scale development programmes from nutrition-relevant sectors, such as agriculture, can address critical underlying determinants of undernutrition and enhance the coverage and effectiveness of on-going nutrition-specific activities. However, evidence on how this can be done is limited. This study examines the feasibility of delivering maternal, infant, and young child nutrition behaviour change communication through an innovative agricultural extension programme serving nutritionally vulnerable groups in rural India.

World Food Day 2016: Linking Climate-Smart Agriculture and Nutrition

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing food and nutrition security. This year’s World Food Day theme focuses on climate change and the need for agriculture to evolve to address a growing global population, protect the environment, and provide the nutritional needs of families worldwide.

Learn more about the linkages between climate-smart agriculture and nutrition and SPRING resources to help strengthen efforts to make the most out of the U.S. Government’s investments to improve nutrition through agriculture below: