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Ag2Nut Call: Ethiopia Sub-Group and How to Find Ag2Nut Members in Your Country

After the ANH Academy Week meeting, an Ag2Nut Community of Practice Ethiopian sub-group was formed, maintaining a separate email list for the purpose of sharing Ethiopia-specific events, opportunities and resources, and for working together on common capacity and policy issues affecting agriculture and nutrition in the country.

Multi-Sectoral Coordination and Collaboration of the Feed the Future Portfolio

Looking only at the portfolio of Feed the Future activities funded by USAID Bangladesh, SPRING worked with the USAID Bangladesh Mission and its Feed the Future partners to identify ways of strengthening their vision, plans, and approaches for coordination and collaboration of technical sectors, implementing partners, and other stakeholders around nutrition.

SPRING/Bangladesh Presents at the Policies against Hunger XII Conference

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invited SPRING/Bangladesh to present on Farmer Nutrition Schools and its experience towards improved household nutrition at the Policies against Hunger XII conference. Hosted by BMEL, the conference took place from June 22-24, 2016, and brought together 350 high-level participants from across the globe to address key aspects of food security and nutrition.