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Researching a New Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Indicator: NRVCC Fieldwork

From April to October 2015, SPRING conducted field research to develop data collection guidance for a new Feed the Future nutrition-sensitive agriculture indicator. This annual reporting indicator is intended to track a required if applicable outcome related to consumption of nutrient-rich value chain commodities (NRVCC) by direct beneficiary households.

SPRING Delivers Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training to Farmers in Mopti

SPRING is reaching over 5,500 local farmers in the Mopti region of Mali with nutrition-sensitive agriculture education through Farmer Nutrition School (FNS) trainings. The trainings use the experiential, plot-based training methodology applied in farmer field schools (FFS) to encourage gardening of nutrient-rich horticulture. The trainings also include social behavior change communication (SBCC) to promote the uptake of nutrition-specific behaviors taken from the essential nutrition and hygiene actions (ENA/EHA) curriculum and nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices.

Ag2Nut Community Call: Farm-level Pathways to Improved Nutritional Status: New Empirical Evidence from Africa and South Asia

In the December 2015 Ag2Nut call, the Community of Practice presented a synthesis of a set of eight new studies that empirically test, using data from Africa and South Asia, whether a relationship between household agricultural production, diets and nutrition can be found.

SPRING Assesses Nutritional Needs in Post-Ebola Sierra Leone

From September 16 to October 2, 2015, SPRING conducted the fieldwork component of a nutrition needs assessment in Sierra Leone to contribute to post Ebola virus disease (EVD) response efforts. The SPRING team conducted interviews with agriculture and health service providers, community members, market vendors, and mothers. SPRING’s assessment focused on understanding key contributors to undernutrition and documenting the ways the EVD outbreak impacted agriculture, food, health, and nutrition services.