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Agriculture and Nutrition Global Learning and Evidence Exchange: An Overview

SPRING hosted a fourth Agriculture and Nutrition Global Learning and Evidence Exchange (AgN-GLEE) on June 18, 2013. This program-driven event drew on learning that emerged from three regional AgN-GLEE workshops focused on strengthening and aligning current and new Feed the Future investments to achieve nutrition outcomes in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

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What Do We Know About the Feed the Future Initiative’s Progress toward Nutrition Goals? Results of a Global Landscape Analysis

Authors:  Du L; Buchsbaum A; Klein A; Narayan A

Background and objectives: The U.S. Government's Feed the Future Initiative is a $3.5 billion pledge for agricultural development and food security. At the request of USAID’s Bureau for Food Security, SPRING conducted a landscape analysis of the Feed the Future portfolio and mapped the current interventions and pathways that link agriculture and nutrition programs in all 19 Feed the Future focus countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and Asia.