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USAID and SPRING/Senegal Staff Visit Community Partners’ Projects

A group of USAID/Senegal and SPRING/Senegal staff observed a few of the activities initiated with SPRING’s support during a three-day field visit from September 19-21, 2017. The group visited six communities and saw nutrition-sensitive agriculture and social and behavior change activities including a micro-garden and a community video dissemination and discussion session.

Sierra Leone: Entry Points for Nutrition in Feed the Future Value Chains

Executive Summary

The Entrepreneurial Agriculture for Improved Nutrition (EAIN) activity works to improve agricultural productivity and food security in the Tonkolili district of Sierra Leone. Funded the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), this Feed the Future activity integrates market-led agriculture and nutrition interventions to achieve two intermediate results (IR):

Successes in Multi-Sectoral Nutrition: Sharing Lessons Learned from SPRING/Ghana

On September 7, 2017, SPRING/Ghana hosted an event to share important lessons learned and accomplishments in improving maternal and child nutrition outcomes in Ghana from 2014 to 2017. This event was chaired by the Regional Director of the Ghana Health Service for the Northern Region, Naa Dr. Jacob Y. Mahama, and the guest of honor Regional Minister for the Northern Region, the Honorable Salifu Saeed.