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Capital city
Addis Ababa
POINT (38.7 9.03)
Country Boundaries
POLYGON ((37.90607 14.95943, 38.51295 14.50547, 39.0994 14.74064, 39.34061 14.53155, 40.02625 14.51959, 40.8966 14.11864, 41.1552 13.77333, 41.59856 13.45209, 42.00975 12.86582, 42.35156 12.54223, 42 12.1, 41.66176 11.6312, 41.73959 11.35511, 41.75557 11.05091, 42.31414 11.0342, 42.55493 11.10511, 42.776851841001 10.926878566934, 42.55876 10.57258, 42.92812 10.02194, 43.29699 9.5404800000002, 43.67875 9.1835800000001, 46.94834 7.99688, 47.78942 8.003, 44.9636 5.0016200000001, 43.66087 4.95755, 42.76967 4.2525900000002, 42.12861 4.2341300000002, 41.855083092644 3.9189119204838, 41.1718 3.91909, 40.76848 4.2570200000001, 39.85494 3.8387900000001, 39.559384258766 3.4220600000002, 38.89251 3.50074, 38.67114 3.61607, 38.43697 3.58851, 38.120915 3.598605, 36.855093238008 4.4478641276729, 36.159078632856 4.4478641276729, 35.817447662354 4.776965663462, 35.817447662354 5.3382320827909, 35.298007118233 5.506, 34.70702 6.5942200000001, 34.25032 6.82607, 34.0751 7.22595, 33.56829 7.71334, 32.95418 7.7849700000001, 33.2948 8.35458, 33.8255 8.37916, 33.97498 8.6845600000001, 33.96162 9.58358, 34.25745 10.63009, 34.73115 10.91017, 34.83163 11.31896, 35.26049 12.08286, 35.86363 12.57828, 36.27022 13.56333, 36.42951 14.42211, 37.59377 14.2131, 37.90607 14.95943))

National and Sub-National Estimates of Child and Adult Nutritional Status Related to Later Life Nutrition-Related Non-Communicable Disease

Authors:  Pomeroy A; D’Agostino A

Background and objectives: Country and regional profiles have been established to provide an overview of the relationship between early life nutrition status and later life nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (N-RNCDs) in two regions (Africa and Asia) and ten countries. This poster focuses on the African region as well as Ethiopia and Zambia.

AgN-GLEE - Africa Feedback: USAID/Ethiopia

In December 2012, the SPRING project hosted an Agriculture and Nutrition Global Learning and Evidence Exchange (AgN-GLEE) event entitled Strengthened and Sustainable Linkages among Agriculture, Economic Growth and Nutrition in Kampala, Uganda. This three-day, program-driven learning workshop focused on strengthening and aligning current and new Feed the Future (FTF) investments to achieve nutrition outcomes in the Africa Region.

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