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Nutrition of Adolescent Girls and Women of Reproductive Age in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Current Context and Scientific Basis for Moving Forward

Photo of a child being fed by two womenIt has long been recognized that the nutritional and health status of a woman before and/or during early pregnancy affects physiologic adjustment to pregnancy and the condition of the periconceptional environment for the embryo, and ultimately the fetal environment.

Review of Programmatic Responses to Adolescent and Women’s Nutritional Needs in Low and Middle Income Countries

Photo of a woman selling produce at a marketThe 2013 Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition provided new evidence on the importance of women’s nutrition at the time of conception and during pregnancy, not only to ensure optimal fetal growth and development but also for the health of the mother.

Technical Meeting on the Diet and Eating Practices of Adolescent Girls and Women of Reproductive Age

On March 16-17, 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), SPRING, and the USAID-funded Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA), co-hosted a technical meeting of more than 40 global leaders in the field of adolescent and women’s nutrition as a first step toward developing such recommendations.