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Budgeting/financing for nutrition

Developing a Process Guide and Tool for Nutrition Budget Analysis in Uganda

Financing is a key piece of any effort to improve nutrition at scale. In its recently-released Nutrition Strategy, USAID highlights the importance of financial systems, stating that political will for nutrition must be reflected through financial support, both at the national and sub-national level. A number of very robust costing activities have been completed, or are underway, by MQSUN, UNICEF, the World Bank, and others.

Factors Affecting Nutrition around Nepal: District and Subregional Snapshots

Nepal, like other Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) countries, is facing competing demands for time, human resources, and funding within the realm of nutrition programming. The priorities assigned by the international agreements to which Nepal is a signatory (such as SUN, the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], and others) include a wide array of goals and corresponding targets, many of which are integrated into Nepal's 2013-2017 Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP).

Factors Affecting Nutrition around Uganda: District and Subregional Snapshots

Uganda, like other Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) countries, is facing competing demands for time, human resources, and funding within the realm of nutrition programming. The priorities assigned by the international agreements to which Uganda is a signatory (such as SUN, the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], and others) include a wide array of goals and corresponding targets, many of which are integrated into Uganda’s nutrition action plan (UNAP).