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Community media

Digital Green: Amplifying Impact of Innovative Agricultural Practices in India

Poor farmers in low and middle income countries are often risk-averse and reluctant to adopt new methods of farming, since crop failure could potentially lead to extreme hardship. Digital Green works with local farmers to create community-led videos disseminated through local social networks to encourage farmers to adopt new practices to improve their livelihoods.

Global Health Mini-University

This annual one-day learning forum is celebrating its 14th year! Mini-University 2015 will offer over 60 sessions in one of the eight technical tracks environmental health; family planning & reproductive health; health systems; HIV and AIDS; infectious disease; maternal, child, neonatal health; non-communicable disease & injury; and nutrition. SPRING will be participating in the nutrition track, so look for us there!

Local Voices for Change: Community Radio to Improve Nutrition in Burkina Faso

In recent years, droughts and other shocks in Africa's Sahel region have drawn attention to the urgent need to strengthen the ability of communities to cope in challenging and changing natural environments. However, despite decades of programming experience and vast literature on vulnerability and resilience in the Sahel, rates of undernutrition remain high, and nutrition emergencies reoccur on a regular basis.

Leveraging Community-led Video for Nutrition

Since 2012, SPRING has been collaborating with its US- and India-based partner, Digital Green, in adapting their "human-mediated digital learning approach" for the promotion of key maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) and hygiene-related behaviors. Through this collaboration, Digital Green is now marrying agriculture-focused community videos with SPRING's nutrition expertise and messaging, reaching new audiences through mobile video screenings and facilitated discussions, with adoptions of key behaviors verified through home visits.