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Community media

USAID and SPRING/Senegal Staff Visit Community Partners’ Projects

A group of USAID/Senegal and SPRING/Senegal staff observed a few of the activities initiated with SPRING’s support during a three-day field visit from September 19-21, 2017. The group visited six communities and saw nutrition-sensitive agriculture and social and behavior change activities including a micro-garden and a community video dissemination and discussion session.

SPRING/Guinea Sharing Event

In July 2017, SPRING/Guinea hosted an event to share the program’s accomplishments in promoting improved nutrition practices in Guinea. Key partners, including the Ministry of Agriculture, UNICEF, PSI, and PLAN International were in attendance. After presentations on community radio, community video, and the photo-to-illustration process, there was an interactive “show and tell” session where the partners were able to see some of the tools used for these techniques.

Community Video in the Sahel: From Pilot to Scale

Harou, Alix, Marjolein Moreaux, and Leanne Dougherty. "Community Video in the Sahel: From Pilot to Scale." Field Exchange, no. 55 (July 2017): 56-59. August 18, 2017. Accessed August 21, 2017.

This article explains how SPRING adapted and implemented the community video approach from pilot to scale in the resilience setting of the Sahel and examines challenges encountered and lessons learned in the process.

How Partnerships Are Improving Nutrition in Senegal

From sharing caregiving duties to pooling funds to buy farm equipment, people thrive when they work together toward shared goals. By partnering with local organizations in three regions in Senegal, SPRING is proving that partnerships can be the catalyst to immediate, sustainable gains in maternal and child nutrition and health. This video outlines SPRING's partnership approach in Senegal, the benefits that partner organizations gain from the collaboration, and the positive impact of the approach on maternal and child nutrition.

SPRING/Senegal Trains Community Video Hubs in Video Editing and Business Management

In May and June 2017, SPRING/Senegal organized capacity building workshops for community video hubs to equip them to independently produce videos after the end of the project. During two workshops, video production teams learned to use Adobe Premiere Pro video production software. The nine video hub members each received a laptop, a digital camera, a one year subscription to Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Cloud, and other video accessories.

Community Video (Senegal): Hygiène dans la Maison

El Hadj, a father in Senegal who cares about the health of his family, is very attached to his home. Knowing the importance of good hygiene in preventing illness like diarrhea, malaria, and malnutrition, he supports his wife, Aby, with her tasks. Together, they collect and remove garbage from the yard, eliminate standing water, clean the latrines, and ensure all family members wash their hands with clean water and soap.

Guinean Radio Stations Trained to Promote Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

In April 2017, SPRING/Guinea and Farm Radio International (FRI) led trainings in Mamou and Faranah for four local community radio stations on how to develop effective interactive radio programming to support the uptake of nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices being promoted under the Feed the Future Strengthening Market-Led Agricultural Research, Technology, and Education (SMARTE) activity, led by Winrock International.

Radio GPP FM Interviews Nutrition Training Instructors in Guinea

Cécile Ndiaye (right) speaks with two training participants.

In April 2017, SPRING/Guinea and Farm Radio International (FRI) led trainings in Mamou and Faranah for four local community radio stations on how to develop effective interactive radio programming to support the uptake of nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices being promoted under the Feed the Future Strengthening Marke