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Training Community Video and Radio Staff in Guinea on MIYCN and Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

In Guinea, SPRING is promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture and maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) practices through radio programs and community videos. SPRING recently held a two-day training on these topics with staff from local radio and video production centers. During the training, participants explored how to break the cycle of malnutrition, methods for making local agricultural practices more nutrition-sensitive, and their roles as agents of change in their communities.

Community Video (Niger): Comment les Produits Locaux Peuvent Alimenter Notre Futur?

In the village of Naki Karfi, as Mr. Adamou comes back from the market, he runs into Lawali, and they talk about the consumption of locally-made nutritious foods. On his way home, Mr. Lawali sees Mr. Mani, who encourages him to further diversify his family’s diet, especially for women and girls. Once home, Mr. Lawali explains to [his wives] the types of foods that should make up their children’s diet. Meanwhile, Mr. Adamou draws the attention of a newly married man to the need for his wife to eat nutritious food.

Community Video (Niger): Participation aux Champs Ecoles Paysans de Niebe Pour un Meilleur Avenir

Following erratic rains, the village chief of Droum, in the commune of Miriah, talks to a group of men and women to find solutions to harvest shortages. The group calls on an agriculture officer. He suggests setting up a farmer field school to teach them new and adapted strategies. After beneficial rainfall, the agriculture officer shows the group new, efficient techniques via the farmer field school. The end of the video shows the difference between the new cowpea field and a traditional one.

Community Video (Niger): Apport de L’Homme dans la Gestion du Poulailler

The video is shot in the village of Atchélé, where we see men talking about Newcastle disease in chickens. One of the men, Mr. Tahirou, heads home and asks his wife which of the chickens she wants him to sell. Before heading to the market, we see Mr. Tahirou waiting for his friend, Mr. Yaou, who went to catch his own chicken. In another household, Mr. Sabiou’s wife draws her husband’s attention to the need of isolating new chickens from the rest. Once back from the market, Mr. Tahirou gives his wife the money from the chicken he sold, and starts to sweep the hen house for her.

Community Video (Niger): La Planification Familiale Pour un Meilleur Avenir

Mr. Salissou has been called to explain the benefits of family planning on children’s nutritional status to a group of elders from the village of Gwati, in the Zinder region. One of the elders is a marabout. Meanwhile, Salissou’s wife, Gawsia, informs Aina about the advantages of family planning and related products. Salissou and his wife visit Mr. Abaché and his wife Aina, and once the couples finish their conversation, Mr. Abaché and Aina go meet with the health worker.

Community Video (Niger): Comment Faire Pour Avoir Accès au Moringa et Le Conserver Pendant Toute L’Année

Mr. Hamissou runs into Mr. Idi and his wife, Binta, who are coming back from the dispensary, and he informs the couple on the use of moringa to treat anemia. Idi follows his friend, who shows him the drying process and explains how to use moringa. Then, Mr. Idi’s wife, Binta, visits Habsou, who tells her about the virtues of moringa and shows her how to make moringa sauce. In the end, Mr. Idi visits Mr. Harouna, who shows him how to cultivate moringa.