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Community Video (Niger): Comment Eviter Que les Enfants Tombent Malades A Cause de L’Endroit Où Ils Jouent?

In the village of Gararoua Haoussa, in the commune of Droum, Mr. Moutari is having a conversation with a group of men. He takes his leave mid-conversation in order to go take household waste to his field. He asks his wife to gather all of the household waste she just swept, and he places the bags in his cart. Two of his friends see him working, and Mr. Moutari explains to them the importance of maintaining a clean family living environment. When one of the men, Mr. Issa, returns home, he educates his wife in turn.

Community Video (Niger): Des Consultations Médicales Avant et Après L’Accouchement

Mr. Yahaya decides to accompany his wife, Mrs. Arawa, to the health clinic. They live in the village of Tassoua Haoussa in the Zinder region of Niger. On the way back, the couple sees two women. These women, Ms. Rabi and Aicha, are curious, and head to their friend Arawa’s house to learn why the couple went to the health clinic. Arawa explains to them the importance of postnatal consultations, and the women, convinced, take their leave. Meanwhile, Mr. Yahaya raises awareness among his friends of the good behaviors a man must adopt when his wife is pregnant. Mr.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): L’Importance des Consultations Prénatales

Hadja visits her friend, Aichu, who tells her that she is feeling ill because she could be 3 months pregnant. Hadja recommends that Aichu go visit the health center as soon as possible. However, Aichi says that the health center is too far away. Perhaps Aichu’s husband could drive her to the health center, Hadja suggests. But when Aichu asks her husband to accompany her to the health center, he refuses and does not believe it’s his role to go with her.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): L’Importance de l’AME dans le Développement de L’Enfant

In Pétéguersé, a village in the commune of Gorgadji, a child, Issa, strong and healthy, is admired by everyone in the village. A 7-month pregnant neighbor, Ouman, visits Issa’s mother, Afiatou. Afiatou tells her neighbor that the secret to her healthy baby is the importance of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) her baby for 6 months before introducing any foods. Afiatou tells Ouman that the first step is to make sure that the newborn drinks the colostrum, or the first milk, as it’s rich in nutrients and essential for the newborn.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Les Produits Locaux dans la Diversification Alimentaire chez L’Enfant

On her way back from the field, Delphine bumps into her friend Brigitte who asks why she has picked so many vegetables. Delphine tells her that it is not for a party, but instead, the healthy food is to complement the children’s “bouillie.” Delphine explains to Brigitte that she not only adds lots of nutrients to her over 6-month-old baby’s food but also that she gives healthy and nutritious snacks during the day. Delphine demonstrates and shows Brigitte how she adds nutritious food to her child’s meals.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Les Bienfaits de l’AME pour l’Enfant

A pregnant Seremaye and her husband visit their friends Denise and her husband. Seremaye asks Denise why her baby is so strong and healthy. Denise explains that at birth, she introduced exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) to her newborn, and explained the benefits of the mother’s first milk, colostrum. Seremaye says she will follow Denise's advice and exclusively breastfeed her baby until 6 months. The mother-in-law explains that one should never give a baby under 6 months decoctions or anything else other than breastmilk unless a health professional advises differently.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Comment L'Homme Peut Aider sa Femme à Faire de L'Elevage de Poules

Salamata’s neighbor has lost her rooster and is looking for it. She tells Salamata that she is impressed that Salamata's husband supports her in building and managing their chicken coop. Salamata agrees that it is teamwork between the both of them. Her neighbor admits they do not have a chicken coop and that’s the reason her rooster escaped. She tells Salamata and her husband that the neighbor's husband will not help her build a chicken coop.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Lavage des Mains - Mooré

Helene stops by her friend Adji’s home. Adji notices that Helene’s child looks sick. Helene tells her that her baby suffers from diarrhea on and off. Adji tells her about the importance of handwashing and how it kills germs, which can prevent diarrhea. Adji explains that one must defecate in a toilet and not outside, the importance of using clean water when cooking and drinking, always covering food so that flies and animals cannot contaminate it, and the importance of handwashing with soap for the whole family, including children.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Lavage des Mains - Gulmancema

Delphine’s child is sick with diarrhea. Her friend Brigitte advises her that one must always wash her hands with soap, especially when cleaning a baby, to avoid spreading germs which may cause diarrhea in young children. Brigitte’s husband emphasizes the importance of hygiene, shows Delphine their tippy tap, and demonstrates how to properly, step-by-step, wash one’s hands in order to avoid the spread of germs. Brigitte’s husband also shows Delphine how to wash her child’s hands.

Community Video (Burkina Faso): Alimentation Complémentaire

Celine visits her friend, Dapoa and notices all the nutritious meals her friend has prepared at home. Dapoa explains that providing complementary feeding and breastfeeding to her child from 6 months on will ensure a growing, healthy, and strong baby. This is why Dapoa has prepared all these meals in advance so that when she leaves the house, her child will eat well, whether left at home with a caregiver or if she needs to take her child with her to work.