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Community media

Community Video About the Benefits of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Shot in Kaffrine, Senegal

On January 26, 2017, members of a local community video production team shot a short video about the benefits of orange-fleshed sweet potato. The video was shot in the department of Koungheul within the Kaffrine region and starred actors who are respected members of the community. The production team was comprised of local SPRING/Senegal partners including local radio station Radio Bambouck 92.1FM.

Improving Nutrition through Social Media in the Kyrgyz Republic

As part of a strategy to effectively reach and support busy urban communities, the SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic project has launched a Facebook page, with plans to reach people in-country through other platforms. This page will be used as a platform to learn more about the SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic program and activities as well as a space to encourage better nutrition practices among the Kyrgyz people.

Kyrgyz Media Joins SPRING in an Effort to Reduce Malnutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic

Starting on 15 September 2016, SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic hosted a two-day Media and Messenger Training in Bishkek for 32 members of national media in the Kyrgyz Republic. The event focused on malnutrition, which affects women and children throughout the country, and the media’s potential role in improving nutritional outcomes by focusing on special services and practices during the “1,000 days window of opportunity.”

Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition

Kadiyala S, Morgan EH, Cyriac S, Margolies A, Roopnaraine T (2016) Adapting Agriculture Platforms for Nutrition: A Case Study of a Participatory, Video-Based Agricultural Extension Platform in India. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164002

Successful integration of nutrition interventions into large-scale development programmes from nutrition-relevant sectors, such as agriculture, can address critical underlying determinants of undernutrition and enhance the coverage and effectiveness of on-going nutrition-specific activities. However, evidence on how this can be done is limited. This study examines the feasibility of delivering maternal, infant, and young child nutrition behaviour change communication through an innovative agricultural extension programme serving nutritionally vulnerable groups in rural India.

SPRING/Digital Green Collaboration Progress Report

 Peggy Koniz-Booher, SPRING
Filming the community video “A Good Start to Exclusive Breastfeeding” in the village of Halbawa Salifou in Guidan Roumdji, Maradi, Niger Photo credit: Peggy Koniz-Booher, SPRING

SPRING is a USAID-funded five-year project committed to reducing anemia and stunting among women and young children through the expansion of effective social and behavior change communication (SBCC) nutrit