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Community media

In Pictures: SPRING Conducts Orientation to Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in India

SPRING participated in a week-long partners’ planning meeting for the study entitled: “Community-driven and digital technology-enabled agriculture intervention for nutrition: a cluster randomized controlled trial in Odisha, India.” The study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and includes partners: Digital Green (DG), Voluntary Association for Rural Reconstruction and Appropriate Technology (VARRAT), Ekjut, Development Corner (DCOR), and SPRING.

Concept Testing Tailors Community Videos to Local Context in Two Regions in Niger

In June 2016, SPRING and Digital Green conducted community video concept testing in two regions in Niger. Facilitators used image cards to collect feedback on scenarios for nutrition and hygiene-focused videos from a total of 14 women and 12 men in Droum Kafé and El Kolta villages. The facilitators solicited feedback that reflected the participants’ understanding of the promoted behaviors, their perception of feasibility in their communities, and their suggestions for adjustments to the story lines. 

Concept Testing Tailors Community Videos to Local Context in Two Regions in Niger

women with children sitting outside

In June 2016, SPRING and Digital Green began conducting concept testing in two regions in Niger in preparation for developing a series of community videos. Concept testing is a means of involving audiences in production and ensuring videos are adapted to the local context. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of community uptake of the promoted behaviors.