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Infant and young child feeding

US Ambassador Joins SPRING to Improve Nutrition in Kyrgyz Republic

US Ambassador Sheila Gwaltney visited the USAID-funded SPRING project in the Naryn Oblast of Kyrgyz Republic on June 8th and 9th.

On June 8th, Ambassador Gwaltney toured a SPRING-supported district hospital that provides maternal and child nutrition services to 68 thousand people, and met with new mothers receiving important counseling regarding the nutrition of their babies.

SPRING Conducts Training on Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Guinea

SPRING’s Food Security and Nutrition Director, Heather Danton, and SBCC Advisor, Phil Moses, traveled to Guinea in April to facilitate a week-long participatory workshop with partners from Winrock, Institut Superieur Agronomique et Vétérinaire (ISAV), and local NGOs. The workshop aimed to inform SPRING partners’ behavior change and agricultural extension work related to nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The workshop covered the agriculture-to-nutrition pathways and principles and other key concepts, such as criteria for selecting crops that address nutrient gaps in local diets.

Mid-Process Assessment of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Package in Nigeria Completed

Between March 28 and April 2 a team of evaluators from the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), UNICEF, and SPRING traveled to Kajuru local government areas (LGA), Kaduna State and conducted a mid-process assessment of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counseling Package in Nigeria. The team included Dr. Chris Isokpunwu (FMOH), Mrs. Christine Kaligirwa and Dr. Florence Oni (UNICEF), and Dr. Pérez-Escamilla, Dr. Sascha Lamstein, and Ms. Susan Adeyemi (SPRING). The team was accompanied by representatives from the Kaduna State Ministry of Health (SMOH), Mrs.

Photos of Mid-Process Assessment of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Package in Nigeria

Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), with support from two USAID-funded global nutrition projects (IYCN and SPRING), has made a significant investment in the adaptation of the Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counseling Package to the Nigerian context. In spite of the global interest in the package, little is known about its impact on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition behaviors in the countries where it has been adapted.