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Maternal, infant, and young child nutrition

Салат «Морковь по-корейски» и салат из свеклы с грецким орехом - Korean Carrot Salad (Recipe for the Whole Family)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Суп Машкордо - Mashkordo Soup (Recipe for the Entire Family)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Борщ по-украински - Ukrainian Borscht Soup (Recipe for the Entire Family)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Икра из Баклажан - Vegetable Salad with Eggplant (Recipe for the Entire Family)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Винегрет овощной - Vegetable Vinaigrette (Recipe for the Entire Family)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Суп с Фрикадельками - Soup with Meatballs (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Котлеты малышам - Cutlets for Babies (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Буламык - Bulamyk (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Рисовая каша с тыквой - Rice Porridge with Pumpkin (Recipe for Children 12 Months & Older)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.

Пюре из Цветной капусты - Cauliflower Puree (Recipe for Children 6-12 Months)

This video series is available in Russian language with Kyrgyz subtitles.

The USAID-funded SPRING project works to improve the nutrition of women and children in the Kyrgyz Republic, focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity. This is the time from a woman’s pregnancy until a child’s second birthday when proper nutrition plays a key role in the physical and mental development of a child as well as the ability to achieve his or her full potential.