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Maternal, infant, and young child nutrition

Using Radio to Reach Caregivers More Frequently with Tips on Nurturing and Feeding Young Children

A health worker explains the growth curve of the child to a mother during an outreach service visit.
A health worker explains the growth curve of the child to a mother during an outreach service visit.

In support of Ghana Health Service’s and SPRING’s major commitment to expand training and community support for improved infant and young child care and feeding across northern Ghana, SPRING adapted parts o

Barriers and Enablers to the Consumption of Pumpkin and Fish in Tonkolili, Sierra Leone

What Were We Looking For?

  • SPRING/Sierra Leone conducted four barrier analysis surveys in 15 communities, across three chiefdoms in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, to identify “behavioral determinants” (factors that motivate or discourage) that affect the consumption of pumpkin and fish by pregnant women and children 6-23 months old.
  • The analyses were intended to inform social and behavior change communication (SBCC) efforts to promote dietary diversity.
  • To identify differences between doers

Women Empower Women to Improve Children’s Diets in Nigeria

To bring better infant and young child feeding practices to caregivers like the ones in Kajuru Ward, the FMOH—with support from UNICEF—is rolling out the C-IYCF Counselling Package. As part of the rollout in Kajuru, we conducted a series of meetings about the importance of IYCF with community leaders to sensitize them to the need for better feeding practices.

SPRING/Nigeria Celebrates Achievements in Close Out Event

In November 2016, representatives from the Government of Nigeria, USAID, international NGOs, and civil society organizations gathered for a final meeting to celebrate the achievements and lessons learned through the SPRING project. Active in Nigeria with PEPFAR funding since June 2012, SPRING/Nigeria operated with the goal of reducing maternal and child undernutrition.