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Concept Testing Tailors Community Videos to Local Context in Two Regions in Niger

women with children sitting outside

In June 2016, SPRING and Digital Green began conducting concept testing in two regions in Niger in preparation for developing a series of community videos. Concept testing is a means of involving audiences in production and ensuring videos are adapted to the local context. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of community uptake of the promoted behaviors.

SPRING/Bangladesh Presents at the Policies against Hunger XII Conference

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invited SPRING/Bangladesh to present on Farmer Nutrition Schools and its experience towards improved household nutrition at the Policies against Hunger XII conference. Hosted by BMEL, the conference took place from June 22-24, 2016, and brought together 350 high-level participants from across the globe to address key aspects of food security and nutrition.

Coordinating Nutrition Action in Asia

Experts from across several sectors are meeting this week in Bangkok at the Asia regional Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE) hosted by SPRING in partnership with USAID. This diverse group of USAID Mission staff, implementing partners, and academics will discuss multi-sectoral approaches to address malnutrition and plan for global action. The attendees represent programs in social and behavior change communications (SBCC), humanitarian response, agriculture, women’s empowerment, health, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).

Livestock and Livelihoods: Measuring and Promoting Nutrient-Rich Value Chain Commodities

How do traditional market development activities orient their investments to not just improve sales or market share, but also encourage consumption of nutrient-rich commodities? And how can these efforts and their hoped-for eventual impact on nutrition be measured? SPRING and Land O’Lakes International co-hosted this webinar to explore these questions.