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Sierra Leone

Capital city
POINT (-13.23 8.49)
Country Boundaries
POLYGON ((-11.438779466182 6.7859168563057, -11.708194545936 6.8600983748607, -12.428098924194 7.262942002792, -12.949049038128 7.7986457381457, -13.124025437868 8.163946438017, -13.246550258833 8.9030486108715, -12.711957566773 9.3427116968108, -12.596719122762 9.620188300002, -12.425928514038 9.835834051956, -12.150338100625 9.8585716821644, -11.917277390989 10.046983954301, -11.117481248407 10.045872911006, -10.839151984083 9.6882461613304, -10.622395188835 9.2679100610683, -10.654770473666 8.9771784529942, -10.4943151514 8.7155406763004, -10.505477260775 8.3488963891896, -10.230093553091 8.4062055526013, -10.695594855176 7.9394640161411, -11.146704270868 7.3967064477795, -11.199801805048 7.1058456486247, -11.438779466182 6.7859168563057))

Moving the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Agenda Forward in West Africa

SPRING, USAID's Bureau for Food Security, and Bureau for Global Health hosted the Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE), West Africa from January 19 to 21, 2016, in Accra, Ghana. Staff from the USAID Bureau for Food Security, Bureau for Global Health, USAID Missions in West Africa, implementing partners, host country governments, and other experts will share their experiences and research, enabling widespread engagement across the countries and improving understanding of emerging concepts.

SPRING Assesses Nutritional Needs in Post-Ebola Sierra Leone

From September 16 to October 2, 2015, SPRING conducted the fieldwork component of a nutrition needs assessment in Sierra Leone to contribute to post Ebola virus disease (EVD) response efforts. The SPRING team conducted interviews with agriculture and health service providers, community members, market vendors, and mothers. SPRING’s assessment focused on understanding key contributors to undernutrition and documenting the ways the EVD outbreak impacted agriculture, food, health, and nutrition services.