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POINT (32.57 0.32)
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POLYGON ((31.86617 -1.02736, 30.76986 -1.01455, 30.419104852019 -1.1346591121504, 29.821518588996 -1.4433224422298, 29.579466180141 -1.3413131648856, 29.587837762172 -0.58740569417938, 29.8195 -0.2053, 29.875778842902 0.59737986897636, 30.086153598763 1.0623127303064, 30.46850752129 1.5838054467797, 30.852670118948 1.8493964705438, 31.174149204236 2.2044652368213, 30.77332 2.3398900000001, 30.83385 3.50917, 31.24556 3.7819, 31.88145 3.55827, 32.68642 3.79232, 33.39 3.79, 34.005 4.2498849473621, 34.47913 3.5556, 34.59607 3.0537400000001, 35.03599 1.90584, 34.6721 1.17694, 34.18 0.515, 33.893568969667 0.10981353786184, 33.903711197105 -0.95, 31.86617 -1.02736))

IBFAN Africa Commits to Good Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition Practices

Uganda’s Office of the Prime Minister worked closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH), IBFAN Uganda, and other partners to host the 9th IFBAN Africa Regional Conference, which attracted approximately 283 participants from 14 African countries.

With a theme of “Translating the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding into Optimal Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition in Africa,” the conference focused on:

Annex: SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition Qualitative Methods - Uganda

SPRING has adapted guidance from several sources to develop a methodology for extracting nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive funding data from donor and government budget documents. This document is an annex to the Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study Series that outlines SPRING’s methodology and includes limitations of the data presented, as well as references for further information.

SPRING Project Year 4 Annual Report

At the close of the Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project’s fourth year of implementation, the project continued to reach a growing number of people with nutrition interventions in SPRING’s seven country programs. In addition, we further influenced the global health and development communities through thought leadership around multi-sectoral nutrition programing, drawing on both the knowledge of our experts from across sectors and our on-the-ground implementation experience.

SPRING 2015 Overview - Uganda

As the SPRING office reached its fourth full year of implementation in Uganda, the project prepared to shift focus from the district to the national level, working in a coordinated way across sectors to accelerate industrial food fortification and reduce anemia. We also continued to integrate nutrition assessment, counselling, and support into heath facilities; enhance community outreach; and improve referral and follow-up mechanisms in health facilities.