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POINT (32.57 0.32)
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POLYGON ((31.86617 -1.02736, 30.76986 -1.01455, 30.419104852019 -1.1346591121504, 29.821518588996 -1.4433224422298, 29.579466180141 -1.3413131648856, 29.587837762172 -0.58740569417938, 29.8195 -0.2053, 29.875778842902 0.59737986897636, 30.086153598763 1.0623127303064, 30.46850752129 1.5838054467797, 30.852670118948 1.8493964705438, 31.174149204236 2.2044652368213, 30.77332 2.3398900000001, 30.83385 3.50917, 31.24556 3.7819, 31.88145 3.55827, 32.68642 3.79232, 33.39 3.79, 34.005 4.2498849473621, 34.47913 3.5556, 34.59607 3.0537400000001, 35.03599 1.90584, 34.6721 1.17694, 34.18 0.515, 33.893568969667 0.10981353786184, 33.903711197105 -0.95, 31.86617 -1.02736))

Point-of-Use Fortification in Uganda

SPRING is supporting the rollout of a micronutrient power (MNP) program among children 6-23 months in one pilot district of Uganda. The program, called the Vitamin and Mineral Powder program, promotes "point-of-use" fortification (also known as home fortification in Uganda). Point-of-use fortification with MNPs has shown to be effective in reducing the prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia among children. The success of the program depends on the acceptability of and adherence by caregivers to the product and in the integration into complementary feeding behaviors.

Government of Uganda Calls for Multisectoral Approaches to Address Anemia

"Addressing anemia often requires an integrated approach to effectively combat it," remarked Dr. Acheng Jane Ruth, the Director General of Health Services during her opening remarks at the Multisectoral Anemia Stakeholders' Meeting in Kampala. The meeting, held in March 2015, brought together stakeholders from government, private sector, civil society, academia, and development partners to share progress made by the National Anemia Working Group over the past year.

SPRING Co-Hosts Training Workshop to Strengthen Budget Planning and Analysis

SPRING and the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) organized a multisectoral training workshop from February 9-11 at Bonita Training Center in Wakiso District, Uganda. The purpose of the workshop was to strengthen the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP) implementers’ nutrition budget planning and analysis capacity. At the end of the three-day training workshop, representatives from the key government ministries of Trade, Agriculture, Health, Education, Finance, and Gender called for increased nutrition funding at the national, district, and community levels.

SPRING/Uganda Launch of the Great Mothers Healthy Children Community Campaign

SPRING/Uganda recently launched an innovative campaign called “Great Mothers, Healthy Children” in the Kisoro and Ntungamo districts of Southwest Uganda. The campaign contains video testimonials designed to influence the nutrition practices of mothers, fathers, and grandmothers of children ages 0-23 months, focusing on exclusive and continued breastfeeding, feeding a sick child, feeding a recovering child, and seeking medical care.

USAID Features SPRING’s Nutrition Trainee Program in Uganda

Translating academic learning into practice is a challenge. So SPRING/Uganda created a “Nutrition Trainee” (internship) program that combines class and field work, helping students develop the knowledge and skills needed to produce meaningful results. For the first year of this program, two students at Kyambogo University—Asasira Adera and Carol Noel Agabiirwe—worked with SPRING on an activity focused on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategies to improve nutrition.