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POINT (32.57 0.32)
Country Boundaries
POLYGON ((31.86617 -1.02736, 30.76986 -1.01455, 30.419104852019 -1.1346591121504, 29.821518588996 -1.4433224422298, 29.579466180141 -1.3413131648856, 29.587837762172 -0.58740569417938, 29.8195 -0.2053, 29.875778842902 0.59737986897636, 30.086153598763 1.0623127303064, 30.46850752129 1.5838054467797, 30.852670118948 1.8493964705438, 31.174149204236 2.2044652368213, 30.77332 2.3398900000001, 30.83385 3.50917, 31.24556 3.7819, 31.88145 3.55827, 32.68642 3.79232, 33.39 3.79, 34.005 4.2498849473621, 34.47913 3.5556, 34.59607 3.0537400000001, 35.03599 1.90584, 34.6721 1.17694, 34.18 0.515, 33.893568969667 0.10981353786184, 33.903711197105 -0.95, 31.86617 -1.02736))

SPRING/Uganda Hands Over Regional Health Community Coordination Role

For the last two years, SPRING/Uganda chaired the inspection and enforcement working group of the East Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC). To ensure the sustainability of the working group, SPRING transitioned this role to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards, which has been one of SPRING’s key partners in ensuring adherence to fortification regulations and standards.

SPRING/Uganda Supports Anemia Prevention and Control Module for Health Tutors’ College of Mulago

The Health Tutors’ College of Mulago (HTCM) developed and integrated a module on anemia prevention and control interventions into their three-year Bachelor of Medical Education degree program, with SPRING/Uganda’s support. Starting in the 2018/2019 academic year, the new curriculum will equip health tutors (teachers in health training institutions) with essential competencies on anemia and the capacity to transfer these competencies to their trainees.

A Multisector Approach to Monitoring Planned and Actual Nutrition Spending

Pomeroy-Stevens, Amanda, Alexis D’Agostino, Madhukar B. Shrestha, and Abel Muzoora. "A Multisector Approach to Monitoring Planned and Actual Nutrition Spending." Field Exchange, no. 55 (July 2017): 49-52. August 18, 2017. Accessed August 21, 2017.

USAID’s SPRING project has developed an approach that countries can use to bridge the gap between primary data collection and developing more routine systems. In this article, challenges faced in two countries are discussed, as well as adjustments made to overcome these challenges and how this information can strengthen efforts to create routine monitoring systems.