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Key Catalyst, Collective Voice: The East, Central, And Southern Africa Health Community's Initiative on Food Fortification as a Public Health Intervention

This case study reviews the East, Central, and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC) work on health and nutrition. This inter-governmental group coordinates regional strategies to address the highest level policy makers and to hold the countries accountable for the consequences of micronutrient malnutrition. The story of the ECSA-HC exemplifies local and regional ownership, high-level diplomacy, and practical action.

National and Sub-National Estimates of Child and Adult Nutritional Status Related to Later Life Nutrition-Related Non-Communicable Disease

Authors:  Pomeroy A; D’Agostino A

Background and objectives: Country and regional profiles have been established to provide an overview of the relationship between early life nutrition status and later life nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (N-RNCDs) in two regions (Africa and Asia) and ten countries. This poster focuses on the African region as well as Ethiopia and Zambia.