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Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice: SPRING Researchers Publish Brief on the BRINDA Project Findings

Understanding what causes anemia is critical to design effective programs and monitor impact. At the beginning of July, the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) Project published a supplement in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that presents approaches to better estimate micronutrient deficiencies and identifies risk factors for anemia from countries around the world.

Act to Reduce Anemia

Anemia is a widespread public health problem with many causes—reducing its prevalence improves the health and economic development of families and nations. Countries can take the following actions to address their specific anemia situation.

SPRING Exhibits at the Inaugural Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Nutrition

The Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Nutrition, the first of its kind, was launched on June 20, 2017 with the support of SPRING/Uganda and other USAID-funded partners. USAID implementing partners SPRING, FANTA, Advocacy for Better Health, and Communication for Healthy Communities, along with World Vision Uganda and UNICEF participated in planning for the forum, which will be officially launched in May. The forum brought together more than 160 parliament members interested in improved nutrition as a means to a healthy and prosperous Uganda.