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Expert Reviewers Offer Support for SPRING’s Guidance for Conducting an Anemia Landscape Analysis

To effectively address anemia, countries must develop a context-specific understanding of their anemia situation. SPRING developed “Understanding Anemia: Guidance for Conducting a Landscape Analysis” to provide step-by-step support for gathering and interpreting data on factors that contribute to anemia and existing strategies for anemia prevention and control.

SPRING/Ghana Trains Regional- and District-level Trainers on the District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA)

SPRING/Ghana conducted a training of trainers (ToT) workshop for district-level trainers from seven districts—East Gonja, Tolon, Central Gonja, Tatale, Mion, Bawku West, and Kumbungu— in Ghana’s Northern Region to implement the District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA). The DATA is a tool to assess the anemia situation and strengthen programming at the district level.

Kyrgyz Republic National Anemia Technical Guideline and Protocol

Protocol front page

The national anemia technical guidelines describe in detail the prevention and treatment of anemia in people throughout the life cycle; specifically children, adults, pregnant women, and the elderly. This guideline was developed by a national anemia working group, comprised of Ministry of Health representatives, medical specialists, and academics, with international technical assistance from SPRING.

National and District Tools to Guide Anemia Programming

Data-driven decision-making in anemia involves inputs from various sectors and stakeholder groups in nutrition, disease control, health, water and sanitation, education, agriculture, gender and social welfare, and statistics. These groups tend to operate in their sectoral silos, with few opportunities to integrate information and data sources from other sectors to advise their policy and program decisions. This holds true at the national and also at the district level.

"Strengthening Linkages Between Agriculture and Nutrition" Event in the Kyrgyz Republic

SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic hosted an event on Friday, February 10, 2017, entitled “Strengthening Linkages between Agriculture and Nutrition.” SPRING presented on nutrition-sensitive agriculture, an approach wherein agriculture initiatives and projects both target and yield nutritional outcomes in addition to traditional agriculture results.

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