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SPRING Publishes New Food Storage Guide at Agriculture and Nutrition Event

SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic, funded by USAID to address issues of chronic malnutrition and anemia among women and children of Kyrgyz Republic, hosted an event on Friday, February 10, 2017 entitled “Strengthening Linkages between Agriculture and Nutrition.” The event was attended by representatives of international and national organizations working in the areas of agriculture and nutrition, including the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO, UNICEF, the Civil Alliance for Nutrition, and many others.

Uganda’s Nutrition Now Campaign Radio Spots Raising Awareness about the Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Consuming Fortified Foods

The logo with a big blue "F"

Uganda’s Office of the Prime Minister, with support from SPRING/Uganda, conducted a three-month campaign called Nutrition Now to achieve the objectives of the National Advocacy and Communication Strategy—in short, encouraging good nutrition practices to promote better health.

Recognizing the Complexity of Anaemia in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the National Micronutrient Survey and Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 have reported relatively high rates of anaemia among several demographic groups. Yet, the surveys also showed that only a third of the anaemia could be associated with iron deficiency.  These lower levels of iron deficiency could be due to several other factors, such as iron in groundwater, genetic red blood cell disorders, and other micronutrient deficiencies.

Uganda Representatives Travel to Tanzania for a Sanku Project Learning Exchange

In partnership with the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU), SPRING/Uganda supported representatives from the National Working Group on Food Fortification as well as small- and medium-scale maize millers to travel to Tanzania for a learning exchange visit to the Sanku project site in Morogoro Region from July 31 to August 6, 2016.

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SPRING/Uganda Facilitates a Learning Exchange With Tanzania’s Sanku Project

In partnership with the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda (PSFU), SPRING/Uganda supported representatives from the National Working Group on Food Fortification as well as small- and medium-scale maize millers to travel to Tanzania for a learning exchange visit to the Sanku project site in Morogoro Region from July 31 to August 6, 2016.