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Food security

USAID Deputy Mission Director Visits SPRING Program in Kok-Jangak Rayon of Kyrgyz Republic

Nathan Park, Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Kyrgyz Republic, visited SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic on February 8, 2017 in Kok-Jangak rayon, Jalalabad oblast. Mr. Park was visiting USAID programs in the southern region, including a visit to SPRING activity sites in the area. Mr. Park observed a training of community volunteers and joined a household visit to promote appropriate complementary feeding with a family of a young child.

SPRING Shares Approaches to Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture at International Food Assistance and Security Meeting

SPRING Director Carolyn Hart and Director of Food Security and Nutrition Heather Danton Discuss Connections Between Food Self-Sufficiency and Local Food Systems at Annual USDA/USAID Conference

SPRING joined a diverse gathering of nutrition and food security experts at the annual International Food Assistance and Security Conference hosted by the U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S. Department of Agriculture in Des Moines, Iowa, October 10-11, 2016.