At the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) Global Symposium in Lusaka, Zambia, SPRING project officer Sarah Hogan and agriculture advisor Victor Pinga shared SPRING’s work on monitoring nutrition-sensitive agriculture and training on nutrition-sensitive agriculture for frontline workers in Odisha, India. Alongside other experts from the field, Victor Pinga presented SPRING’s experience in defining outcomes and developing custom monitoring indicators for nutrition-sensitive agriculture during a session entitled, “How do we know when it’s working? Monitoring, evaluation, indicators”. Ms. Hogan and Mr. Pinga also shared SPRING’s experience in creating a nutrition-sensitive agriculture training guide for frontline workers in Odisha, India through a “Share Fair” session. Further information about SPRING’s approach to developing this training can be found in the INGENAES handout (PDF, 5 MB).