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SPRING/Bangladesh aimed to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under two years of age by promoting and supporting the adoption of Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions (ENA/EHA) and the consumption of nutritious and diverse diets.

From 2012-2017, SPRING/Bangladesh reached a substantial proportion of the country’s nearly 160 million people, focusing on the most vulnerable to food insecurity and undernutrition, the ultra-poor. SPRING worked in 40 upazilas (sub-divisions) in the USAID Feed the Future zone of influence of Barisal and Khulna.

SPRING's main partners in Bangladesh include the Directorate General of Health Services, Directorate General of Family Planning, National Nutrition Services, Revitalization of Community Health Care Initiatives in Bangladesh (RCHCIB), and the Department of Agriculture Extension. SPRING also worked with other USAID projects in country, such as the Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition project, the USAID Horticulture Project, the USAID Livestock Project, NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP)/Surjer Hashi, Sisimpur, and the SHIKHA project.


Civil Surgeon of Bhola District rally
August 2014
Every year during World Breastfeeding Week, SPRING/Bangladesh supports national and regional efforts to raise awareness about breastfeeding.This year’s festivities received additional attention compared to previous years, as the Honorable Prime Minis...
A panel at the Policies against Hunger XII Conference
July 2016
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invited SPRING/Bangladesh to present on Farmer Nutrition Schools and its experience towards improved household nutrition at the Policies against Hunger XII conference. Hosted by BMEL, the conf...
VIP USAID Delegation at the New FNS site in Chhota Bahirdia Purbopara in Fakirhat Upazila Bagerhat, Khulna - 28 October, 2014
October 2014
The Assistant Administrator for USAID/Asia, Ms. Anne Aarnes, and the USAID/Bangladesh Mission Director, Ms. Janina Jaruzelski, visited SPRING on Tuesday, October 28, as part of a short tour that this VIP group is making in Khulna Division this week.T...