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Map of NepalSPRING’s work in Nepal focuses on nutrition systems and district-level anemia prevention and control. SPRING's "Pathways to Better Nutrition" (PBN) Case Study looks prospectively at the Government of Nepal’s implementation of their Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP). The study, supported by the National Planning Commission of Nepal and its nutrition secretariat, followed key national nutrition stakeholder organizations from June 2014 to November 2015, collecting data on how the MSNP affected planning, prioritization, and funding for nutrition. We also conducted key informant interviews in Accham, Kapilvastu, and Parsa districts to give researchers a better idea of how the MSNP is rolling out in priority areas.

The SPRING-developed District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA) is designed to assist countries in strengthening multi-sectoral anemia programming at the district level, engaging district managers to determine the main factors that cause anemia and to prioritize anemia-related interventions in their context. In Nepal, SPRING has partnered with the National Nutrition Food Security Secretariat, National Planning Commission, UNICEF, and others to assess applicability of the DATA. We will help implement the final tool along with a customized facilitation guide through workshops in two districts, after which we envision that DATA will facilitate the planning and monitoring process of anemia activities in Nepal.


Workshop attendees
October 2016
SPRING’s District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA) increases awareness of anemia and helps districts take action on this prevalent problem. Increasingly, health officials are seeing DATA as a valuable district-level decision making tool.Earlier in t...
The Use of Participatory, Community-led Videos in India: Pushing New Buttons for Nutrition, Livelihoods, and Agriculture
July 2013
In September 2013, SPRING delegates will attend the IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN 2013)—one of the most prestigious international nutrition conferences that brings together more than 5,000 nutrition-related specialists—and highli...
Madhukar B. Shrestha presents the results of the PBN study in Nepal
May 2016
SPRING released findings from the multi-sectoral Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) Case Study during a national event in Kathmandu, Nepal on April 20th, 2016. The National Planning Commission (NPC) chaired the event. There were over 60 participants ...