SPRING is a dynamic team of five partner organizations led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. Our partners bring together broad experience in nutrition programming, knowledge management, behavior change communication, monitoring and evaluation, and research.
Learn more about SPRING's technical leaders.

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI)
JSI is a leader in improving the health of individuals and communities worldwide. JSI provides technical assistance to help nations respond to global nutrition issues with evidence-based, effective programs; to build cross-sector partnerships to ensure the sustainability and scalability of these programs; and to support government agencies to incorporate nutrition into their national health agendas.

Helen Keller International (HKI)
HKI is dedicated to reducing malnutrition by providing low-cost vitamin and mineral supplements to millions of the most vulnerable people around the world and by encouraging communities to make simple and inexpensive changes to their food production and consumption that collectively result in saving the lives of millions of people. HKI leverages and enhances NGO capacity and works with partners to improve their training skills and monitoring systems, utilize nutrition-focused behavior change communication principles, and incorporate gender-equity into their programs.

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
IFPRI seeks to provide sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. IFPRI helps country stakeholders analyze cutting-edge evidence for nutrition programming and strengthens the capacity of in-country teams to use applied research in the development of environmentally sustainable, gender-sensitive nutrition policies and strategies.

Save the Children (SC)
SC is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need around the world. SC has strong technical experience in infant and young child feeding (IYCF), specifically, community management of acute malnutrition and approaches to incorporating IYCF into other health and agricultural programs. SC expertise includes community mobilization, social and behavior change communication, training and capacity development, and policy analysis and strengthening.

The Manoff Group (TMG)
For 40 years, TMG has been the international leader in designing and assisting the implementation of programs that effectively promote good nutrition and allow populations to enjoy improved nutritional status. TMG provides support to community-based nutrition programs and guidance on social and behavior change programming, and helps countries mainstream nutrition in their health and agriculture programs.