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Catalyzing Social and Behavior Change

Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) is an integral element in the delivery of high-impact nutrition interventions and the prevention of undernutrition, especially during the critical first 1,000 days. SPRING places a heightened focus on SBCC as a key and fundamental, cross-cutting strategy to address both stunting and anemia.

Human behavior is complex—an array of complex factors influence people's everyday decisions to test, adopt, and ultimately internalize and sustain new or modified behaviors. SPRING embraces a behavior-centered approach to promote adoption of high-impact, nutrition-related behaviors. The project supports countries, districts, groups, households, and individuals in adopting and sustaining high-impact nutrition practices by

  • Promoting specific individual and group behaviors—among mothers, fathers, caregivers, nutrition and health service providers, farmers, peer networks, and others;
  • Shifting social attitudes, structures, and norms regarding those behaviors; and
  • Ensuring an enabling environment that promotes and/or supports social change and positive change in nutrition behaviors.


Man demonstrates how to wash a child's hands
October 2015
UPDATE - February 12, 2015 All 10 of the community-led videos SPRING/Digital Green’s collaborative work produced in for Niger’s Maradi Region are now available here.Working with Resilience and Economic Growth in the Sahel-Enhanced Resilience (REGIS-E...
Nathan Park, center, poses with SPRING volunteers and trainers after a session on methods of long term storage and preservation of nutritious foods at home.
February 2017
Nathan Park, Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Kyrgyz Republic, visited SPRING/Kyrgyz Republic on February 8, 2017 in Kok-Jangak rayon, Jalalabad oblast. Mr. Park was visiting USAID programs in the southern region, including a visit to SPRING activity...
Runners at the starting line
October 2016
The “Healthy Nutrition - Healthy Youth” event brought together 102 competitors from the surrounding colleges of Jalal Abad, who participated in a 5 km distance run, rope pulling, and other competitions. In addition to the competitions testing strengt...