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Map of UgandaRecently, SPRING/Uganda shifted the scope of its program to focus on key national level activities that contribute to the reduction of stunting and anemia. SPRING/Uganda directly supports and implements activities and policies related to large-scale food fortification to address stunting and micronutrient deficiencies, anemia reduction through multi-sectoral coordination, the introduction of a micronutrient powder (MNP) program in Namutumba District, and national level social and behavior change communication for nutrition.

Previously, in addition to supporting national-level activities, SPRING delivered nutrition services that improved the nutritional status of mothers and children in the Southwest and East Central regions of Uganda. SPRING/Uganda’s district-level work spanned 61 health facilities in 10 districts and focused on building the capacity of health facility staff and helped these facilities apply the NACS approach to integrate treatment for malnutrition and preventive services.

SPRING’s main partners in Uganda include the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda National Bureau of Standards, Community Connector, FANTA, World Food Program, and UNICEF. SPRING/Uganda is also a key partner in the Partnership for HIV-Free Survival, which aims to accelerate the implementation of national guidelines for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and infant feeding in the context of HIV.


Photos from the presentations laid on top of the branding for the event
April 2016
SPRING attended the East Africa Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Global Learning and Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE) in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania from March 8-10, 2016. The East Africa MSN-GLEE is one of four planned MSN-GLEEs through which USAID is rolling out a...
Images of district officials using DATA
March 2017
SPRING/Uganda partnered with another USAID-funded project, Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in Southwest (RHITES/SW), to strengthen efforts to reduce stunting and anemia in the southwestern region of Uganda.In Uganda, anemia affects mo...
Sarah Ngalombi from the Uganda Ministry of Health speaks at a National Anemia Working Group meeting
May 2017
SPRING/Uganda conducted key informant interviews with 12 members of Uganda’s National Anemia Working Group (NAWG) on their experiences with cross-sector collaboration and anemia prevention at the national and district levels. The working group member...