SPRING/Uganda conducted key informant interviews with 12 members of Uganda’s National Anemia Working Group (NAWG) on their experiences with cross-sector collaboration and anemia prevention at the national and district levels. The working group members discussed their experiences in developing the National Anemia Prevention and Control Strategy, which prompted discussion on sustaining the working group’s energy after the strategy is finalized.
The multi-sectoral stakeholders interviewed included representatives from the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives; the Ministry of Gender, Labor, and Social Development; the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; the National Agriculture Research Organization; the National Medical Stores; Kyambogo University; and Mulago Hospital.
Interviewees reported that each sector was actively engaged, not only in the development of Uganda’s anemia strategy (2016/17-2021/22), but also on other NAWG-supported activities such implementing the District Assessment Tool for Anemia (DATA). They also reported that participation in the NAWG has enhanced networking opportunities and facilitated their working relationships.
Themes from the interviews are currently being incorporated into briefs that will present key findings and lessons learned in building multi-sectoral anemia platforms in Uganda.
Top photo: Sarah Ngalombi from the Uganda Ministry of Health speaks at a National Anemia Working Group meeting.