The most intuitive linkage between agriculture and nutrition is food production – but the relationship goes far beyond. Agriculture not only supplies food but it is the basis of the livelihoods of millions of men and women around the world. In collaboration with USAID and other implementing partners, SPRING is increasing global understanding of how nutritional outcomes may be strengthened through agricultural programming. SPRING’s team of agriculture, behavior change, and nutrition experts is documenting innovations and results, delivering technical assistance, and mobilizing stakeholders to improve nutrition through agricultural interventions around the world.
Linking Agriculture and Nutrition
Activities | November 2015
Formative Research Sheds Light on Agriculture's Potential Impact on Nutrition in Guatemala
July 2013
After facilitating three regional workshops held in Africa, Asia, Latin American and the Caribbean, SPRING recently completed its fourth and final Agriculture and Nutrition Global Learning Exchange Event (AgN-GLEE) in Washington, D.C.Close to 600 sta...
March 2017
To effectively address anemia, countries must develop a context-specific understanding of their anemia situation. SPRING developed “Understanding Anemia: Guidance for Conducting a Landscape Analysis” to provide step-by-step support for gathering and ...
June 2016
Experts from across several sectors are meeting this week in Bangkok at the Asia regional Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Global Learning & Evidence Exchange (MSN-GLEE) hosted by SPRING in partnership with USAID. This diverse group of USAID Mission...
Galleries | February 2017
Photos from the Improved Village-level Poultry Rearing Workshop in Senegal
Galleries | January 2016
Researching a New Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Indicator: NRVCC Fieldwork
Posters | December 2016
Opportunities for Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains in Tonkolili, Sierra Leone
Case Studies | August 2016
Improving Nutrition Outcomes through the Western Highlands Integrated Program (WHIP)
Field Notes | June 2014
Supporting Agriculture and Nutrition Interventions at the Community Level in Senegal
Success Stories | August 2017
Integrating Agriculture, Nutrition, and Hygiene Knowledge for Improved Health Practices
SPRING around the Web
Blog summaries | August 2017
Blog summaries | April 2018
SMARTE Solutions for Value Chains: Telling Stories Through Community Video to Improve Agriculture
Blog summaries | August 2017