In April 2017, SPRING/Guinea tested and refined a nutrition-sensitive agriculture training package that will be integrated into a broader agro-preneur program curriculum for use by the Feed the Future-funded Strengthening Market-Led Agricultural Research, Technology, and Education (SMARTE) activity in Guinea. Through its Apprentisage en Vulgarisation, Entrepreneuriat et l’Innovation Rurale (AVENIR) program, SMARTE is training local agro-preneurs to work with private-sector value chain actors throughout Guinea.
The nutrition-sensitive agriculture training package explores methods for incorporating improved agricultural technologies into value chains to make them more nutrition-sensitive. It is grounded in findings from a value chain assessment that SPRING conducted in Guinea in February 2017, to identify nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices to integrate into the SMARTE project’s activities. This assessment, combined with SPRING’s experience from previous nutrition-sensitive agriculture trainings, informed the curriculum that SPRING designed for agro-preneurs in Guinea.