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Agriculture and Nutrition Coordination and Integration

SPRING contributes to the global evidence base on how different Feed the Future countries are integrating agriculture and nutrition strategies and programs. An earlier SPRING review of Feed the Future portfolios identified two commonly adopted program approaches for translating agricultural results into nutrition outcomes:

  • co-location of multiple activities that often have sectoral goals
  • establishment of one large integrated flagship activity that includes both agriculture/economic development and health/nutrition components.

Historically, our understanding of how to integrate sectors—including partner collaboration—has relied on anecdotal experiences. But Feed the Future provides an excellent platform for documenting a range of approaches and lessons learned about integration and collaboration, especially since many USAID mission portfolios make sectoral integration and collaboration a goal.

To better understand approaches to integration we have developed field notes, documented activities, and provided technical assistance on how to integrate multisectoral programs in Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Guatemala.

Our work is intended to answer these questions:

  • What are the motivations/incentives behind multisectoral integration?
  • Is there a shared understanding of process, roles, and goals of integration among stakeholders?
  • Is there anything similar about the environment in which coordination/collaboration is working across different Feed the Future countries?
  • How can we measure whether or not integration is effective?

Finding answers to these questions will help Feed the Future countries reach their integration goals and leverage agricultural investments to achieve measurable improvements in nutrition.