On December 18, 2014, in the capital Bishkek, key members of the Kyrgyz nutrition community discussed ways to promote positive nutrition messages in the country. Participants included attendees from the Republican Center for Health Promotion (RCHP), the National Center for Mother and Child Care, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of State Sanitary, and Epidemiologic Supervision, Association of Village Health Committees, Association of Obstetrician-Gynecologists, Association of Salt Producers, USAID, FAO, UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA, Mercy Corps, and the United States Peace Corps.
Gulmira Aitmurzaeva, Director of RCHP, opened the meeting by emphasizing the importance of consistent nutrition informational/educational materials and an effective outreach policy for behavior change. Conversation centered on key nutrition messaging, how to strengthen cooperation among nutrition programs, and developing guidelines and other informational/educational materials. Participants worked in small groups to review current government and international organizations’ publication plans. They also identified gaps and potential opportunities to collaboratively produce the most needed materials.
The meeting resulted in the creation of a national working group. The working group will build consensus around messaging and materials development related to nutrition during pregnancy, anemia prevention, nutrition of children under two years, and breastfeeding. This group will gather again over the coming months to review progress to date and to work to further define national nutrition messaging for the Kyrgyz Republic.