Annotations by Guidance Question(s)
How do I determine what HHs are selling and how much they earn from the sale of different agricultural products?
Which context assessment tool(s) are you interested in exploring?
Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Designer: World Food Programme
Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions
Designer: Food and Agriculture Organization & World Food Programme
Diagnostics for Industrial Value Chain Development
Designer: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Emergency Food Security Assessment
Designer: World Food Programme
Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Tool
Designer: Practical Action
Financial Diaries
Designer: Financial Diaries
Food Security and Livelihood Assessments: A Practical Guide for Field Workers
Designer: Action Against Hunger (ACF)
Global Food Security Assessment Guidelines
Designer: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Household Economy Approach (Practitioners' Guide)
Designer: Save the Children and the Food Economy Group
Household Livelihood Security Assessment
Designer: CARE
Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains
Designer: FHI360 & World Vision
Livelihoods Assessment Toolkit
Designer: Food and Agriculture Organization & the International Labor Organization
Livestock in Emergencies Guidelines and Standards
Designer: Practical Action