Annotations by Guidance Question(s)
How can I design a project to increase agricultural income while considering gender-specific constraints?
Which context assessment tool(s) are you interested in exploring?
Assessing How Agricultural Technologies Can Change Gender Dynamics and Food Security Outcomes
Designer: Cultural Practice
Behavior Change Perspectives on Gender and Value Chain Development
Designer: ACDI/VOCA & FHI360
Food Security and Livelihood Assessments: A Practical Guide for Field Workers
Designer: Action Against Hunger (ACF)
Integrating Gender Throughout a Project's Lifecycle
Designer: Land O’Lakes Inc. International Development
Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains
Designer: FHI360 & World Vision
Making the Strongest Links: A Practical Guide to Mainstreaming Gender Analysis in Value Chain Development
Designer: International Labor Organization
Nutritional Impact Assessment Tool
Designer: USAID Infant & Young Child Nutrition Project
Promoting Gender Equitable Opportunities in Agricultural Value Chains
Designer: USAID Office of Women in Development
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
Designer: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)