Annotations by Guidance Question(s)
How have market prices been affected by a crisis?
Which context assessment tool(s) are you interested in exploring?
48-Hour Assessment Tool: Food Security and Livelihoods in First Phase Emergency
Designer: Oxfam/ Emergency Capacity Building Project
Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions
Designer: Food and Agriculture Organization & World Food Programme
Emergency Food Security Assessment
Designer: World Food Programme
Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Tool
Designer: Practical Action
Food Security and Livelihood Assessments: A Practical Guide for Field Workers
Designer: Action Against Hunger (ACF)
Global Food Security Assessment Guidelines
Designer: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Household Economy Approach (Practitioners' Guide)
Designer: Save the Children and the Food Economy Group
Livelihoods Assessment Toolkit
Designer: Food and Agriculture Organization & the International Labor Organization
Rapid Assessment for Markets: Guidelines for an Initial Emergency Market Assessment
Designer: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement