On September 16th, 2014, SPRING hosted the Ag2Nut Community of Practice's monthly call. The event featured speakers Charlotte Dufour (FAO), James Garrett (IFPRI and IFAD), Sean Kennedy (IFAD), and James Levinson (Tufts University), and focused on their experience organizing and running the training workshop, "Applying Concepts of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Rural Development to Project Design."
This workshop, held at IFAD headquarters in Rome from July 15-18, 2014, was a prototype training and sensitization initiative by IFAD, designed to introduce and familiarize program professionals with project design work involving nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Organized by a joint IFAD/FAO team with inputs also from the World Bank and REACH, it sought to expand the pool of experts that these organizations can draw upon for assignments. The participants and staff included 25 agronomists, nutritionists, economists, and agricultural investment planners from IFAD, FAO, and REACH, as well as independent consultants.
The joint development of this course also helped to foster dialogue and alignment among these organizations on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The workshop encouraged a shared understanding and a common framework across the organizations (and among their staff and the resources, people, and organizations they employ) for the design and supervision of nutrition-sensitive agriculture and rural development projects. Such common understandings are likely to result in more effective inter-organizational collaboration at country and global level.
View Training Agenda (PDF, 502 KB)